What Does Spring HVAC Service Include?

Before you know it, you will be turning on the air conditioning after months of not using it at all. This is the best time of year to request service for your air conditioner, to confirm that it is still in great shape for the long summer ahead. When you call to schedule for spring service, this is what you can expect from the experience.
Check for Signs of Winter Damage
The key portion of your air conditioning is the outdoor unit. Without it, you have no cooling. Depending on its placement on your property and its upkeep, it may sustain some damage during the winter. Most of the time, this just includes some buildup of dirt and debris, which is pretty simple to remove. Your Sacramento HVAC technician will clean off the exterior of the unit and ensure that there is no rust, damage from accumulated moisture, or excessive wear to the exterior. They may recommend that you trim back overgrown trees or bushes to ensure adequate airflow around the unit.
Clean and Prepare for Air Conditioning
Through normal use and the unit’s existence outside, the coils and fins of the air conditioner may become very dirty. These aspects of the equipment are vital for efficient air conditioning. The technician cleans all components, and inspects connections to ensure they are secure. The unit is charged with refrigerant, and all electronic components are examineded for proper function and overall condition. This is an excellent opportunity to identify parts that are worn or faulty. Replacing them to fix the air conditioning may be a lot less expensive when the problem is relatively minor.
Inspect HVAC Systems
The rest of the HVAC system also needs to be in top condition for the air conditioner to work well. This includes the air handler, evaporator coil, ductwork and registers, all of which reside inside the home. If the individual parts are in proper order, the technician can examine the ductwork for signs of holes, gaps or excessive dirt. Sealing leaks in ductwork can improve HVAC efficiency by as much as 30 percent, and provide for a cooler home in the hot summer.
Test Functionality
When all the tasks have been completed, the last job is to test the system to make sure it cools effectively. HVAC systems are operated through the thermostat. This final check may point out faults in the thermostat, which may be as simple as a need to replace batteries. A failure to turn on might just involve a tripped circuit breaker. At the conclusion of the service check, your HVAC technician discusses any problems or concerns and makes recommendations about upgrades where appropriate.
Before you even think about turning on your air conditioner for the year, you need to confirm that everything is working the way it should. Since some tasks require an expert, you want to request professional spring HVAC maintenance at this time. For efficient service and HVAC repair, you can rely on Ace air conditioning to keep your system running smooth when you need it most.