New Sprinkler System: Check This Before You Dig

As spring moves closer, you start to think about doing some serious gardening. Before you get out your shovel to tinker with your sprinkling system, here is a checklist for what you need to inspect first.
Root Structures of Trees and Bushes
Trees and bushes grow deep roots, especially if they are located in one spot for years or even decades. Before you start to even plan out a new layout for your sprinkler system, you need to identify the location and condition of the root structure of the trees and bushes in your yard. In addition, you should detail your sprinkling system before you put in new trees or large plants. They do not generally have extensive root structures while they are young. However, a tree located near your Sacramento plumbing could cause significant damage to the pipes over time.
Existing Plumbing
The very last thing you want to do while improving your plumbing is to destroy some of it. As such, you really need to know where all of your home’s plumbing is located before you do any digging at all. Do not assume that the sprinkler system that was there when you bought the house will be easy to identify. If you know that a particular part of your yard is getting insufficient water, there may be damage in the existing line that needs to be fixed before construction begins. Repairs to the current plumbing are vital, particularly if you plan to use some of it for your new sprinkler system. Ask your Sacramento plumber for help in planning, as needed.
Utilities Lines
You also need to look for utilities lines, which are often positioned just a few inches underground. It does not matter if you are just putting in an extra line of drip irrigation for a new flower bed you want to build. Utility lines could be anywhere. If you accidentally cut them, you might lose access to electricity, natural gas, television or Internet services. You could also cut access to these services for your entire street in the process. Call the appropriate authorities, describe your project and request that they identify the location of utility lines in the area indicated. It usually takes only a few days to get this information.
Shifting Grounds
The biggest source of potential conflict is in information you thought you had, but is no longer correct. The condition of your property under your yard and your home is constantly changing. The root structure of that tree that was 10 feet away five years ago may be much closer now.
Even if you only requested information about plumbing or utility lines a few years ago, you should perform an additional inspection to confirm that your assumptions are correct.
Digging a new sprinkler system could be a wonderful spring project that really takes your landscaping to the next level. By identifying the location of your trees’ roots, and your plumbing and utility lines, you can ensure that you will not cause any disasters in the process. For ideal design and installation of your sprinkling system, contact Ace Plumbing.