HVAC in a New Home: Things to Look For

You have bought your dream home and just moved in. You can tell the HVAC system is a little different than what you had before. Be on the watch for these aspects of your HVAC system, to know if it is in good condition and when you should hire a professional for service.
HVAC and Home Inspections
Unlike your home’s plumbing, a home inspection may not test very much of your HVAC system. In fact, a home inspection may simply test the thermostat and confirm that the air conditioner and furnace will turn on and off. There are dozens of other problems that may arise with your HVAC system that do not affect the power or general function. It may be worth the extra expense to hire a professional to conduct an inspection of the whole HVAC system.
Age of the Equipment
As you look through the HVAC system, research the age of the various appliances. Furnaces often last 10-15 years or more with good upkeep, but you may not get much more than 10 years from an air conditioning condenser. The older the appliance, the sooner you will have to replace it. Make note of the energy label, especially on newer models. If you do not intend to buy new equipment within the first five years of owning the home, you should know what kind of energy efficiency the current models maintain.
Record of Previous Owner Maintenance
Maintenance is the key to ensuring a long lifespan for the HVAC system.Sacramento heating and air experts recommend getting service for HVAC systems at least once a year, to inspect the system, repair broken components and look for signs of future trouble. HVAC technicians may leave a written record of service on the appliances themselves. If you see no evidence, ask the previous homeowner to show you any records they may have kept.
Visual Condition of the System
There is no effective replacement for a good visual inspection of your own. Remember that ventilation, heating and cooling consist of more than just the big pieces of equipment. Take the time to look at the ductwork and the insulation of the home. Ductwork that appears to be damaged or poorly repaired can significantly decrease yourenergy efficiency, and should be fixed promptly. Insulation that is leaky, wet or insufficient can be improved fairly easily. Contact Sacramento HVAC specialists to service your HVAC system, especially if the equipment looks to be in poor condition.
There is nothing quite like spending most of your extra cash to buy a home, only to move in and need to replace the whole HVAC system. With this checklist, you can evaluate the quality of your HVAC system and determine if you need professional assistance right away. To arrange for HVAC service for your new home, contact us atAce Plumbing.