Are DIY AC Repairs Worth It In Sacramento

You’re pretty handy around the house. Whether it comes to fixing creaky hinges, installing a new ceiling fan, or building your kids a new bunk bed, you’re up for any challenge. So when it’s time for air conditioning repairs, your first instinct may be to order parts online, fix the problem, and save yourself a few bucks. Except that it doesn’t always work out that way. There are some good reasons to call Ace Plumbing Heating and Air Conditioning for air conditioning repair.
Warranty Issues
If you have a system that’s still under warranty, trying to perform your own repairs — even if you have a good idea of what you’re doing — is a bad idea. The manufacturer’s warranty will generally stipulate that repairs have to be done by a qualified technician.
The cost of any central or ductless AC repair isn’t just parts and labor. It’s your time, too. We know our way around an HVAC system, so we’re in and out quickly. If you’re inexperienced or a bit rusty, you could be spending a lot more time on repairs that could be spent with your family, or on a project you’d rather do.
Fixing the Wrong Problem
New Window Central air is complex. So, too, are the problems the typical AC unit experiences, since the same “symptom” can have its roots in any number of issues. You don’t want to guess at what’s wrong, working your way down a laundry list of possibilities ’til you hit on the right solution. An experienced technician does more than air conditioning repair; we’re diagnosticians, too, which helps ensure a better first time fix rate.
When you’re working with an air conditioner, you’re working with New Window refrigerant (which requires specialized handling) and with electricity, which can injure or kill you if you don’t know what you’re doing. Even if you get through the early part of the process unscathed, a repair that’s not done properly can be hazardous to home and health.
Not Knowing When to Replace
Another unpleasant truth: some problems aren’t worth fixing. If we’ve worked with you before, we know the history we have with your heating and air conditioning. You won’t be the only one noticing the repairs coming closer together. We can let you know when an New Window AC replacement is more cost-effective than repairs, or whether you can get one more season out of your system.
The Great Air Conditioning Conspiracy (AKA Cost)
We’re kidding about that part, of course, but we know that many of you think that any suggestion that you leave the big jobs to the pros is just a ploy to separate you from your hard-earned money. But here’s a simple truth: a lot of the work we do isn’t the first, or sometimes even second, time that someone’s taken a crack at your air conditioning problem.
It usually goes like this: your AC stops working. You Google, buy some parts and supplies, and try to fix it yourself. Only it still doesn’t work, and now you’re out the money you thought you were saving. So you call a handyman or the cheapest HVAC service you can find, only to find that — once again — you got what you paid for. That’s more time and money wasted.
So, finally, call us at Click To Call (916) 455-4548 and get the level of service you deserved the first time. The time and money you wasted on those preliminary steps could really be put to better use, so if you need air conditioner repair this summer, call us first instead.