Common Spring and Summer Plumbing Problems

One of the best things about the warm weather is the food. Sure, we’re outside and grilling more often, which is fun (especially with some friends and some adult beverages in the mix). But our favorite thing is the produce that’s available at this time of year. Corn, watermelon, tomatoes, and much more brighten our plates and palates. They can also wreak havoc with our garbage disposals, so be sure you’re not putting the wrong items in your garbage disposal.
Drain Clogs
Ever stop to think about all the things that go down your drain in the summertime? Maybe you should. Whether it’s sand from a day at the beach, grime from the kids’ time outside, or pet hair from shedding dogs and cats, there’s a lot that can cause your drains to clog. And even if you don’t have a garbage disposal, some of the foods you’re washing off your dishes — all the grease and starch from foods like potato salad, fat from ribs, brisket, and hamburger, and much more — can cause serious problems, too.
Toilet Clogs
The kids are home from school (good luck with that), and you’re probably having more guests this time of year than you’ve had since the holidays. That means higher-than-usual bathroom traffic, and also means that you’ll be more prone to toilet clogs. Make sure that nothing goes down the toilet that should not be flushed!
Sprinkler Problems
You don’t have sprinkler issues during the fall and winter because you won’t typically be using your system at that time. So the problems that developed late in the summer and went unnoticed — damaged sprinkler heads, clogged pipes and filters, wonky control units, and more — will all rear their ugly heads now. Give us a call for an irrigation tune up or sprinkler repairs!
Sewer and Water Main Issues
Shrubs and trees that had been dormant are growing with a vengeance, which can mean damage to sewers and water mains. Furthermore, systems that are fragile because of age, ground shifting, or root incursions can suddenly be overtaxed by the higher drainage demands and water use that comes with the warmer weather. A video inspection can pinpoint trouble spots and flag areas that need to be repaired.
Water Waste
Water waste is never a good idea, but it’s easy to lose track of how much water we’re using during the summer. It’s not uncommon to want to shower multiple times per day. We may also be doing more laundry because the kids are playing outside more, and… well, you know how that goes. Installing low-flow fixtures and toilets, and monitoring water usage, can help prevent waste and keep your water bills lower.
Of course, you can do all the right things and something can — and often will — still go wrong. When it does, help is as close as a call to Home Ace Plumbing. We serve Sacramento, Folsom, Lincoln, and beyond.