Are You Watering Your Lawn Properly?

We all want a lawn that’s the envy of the
block. That means plenty of maintenance: seeding, fertilizing, feeding, raking, and — given the dry California climate — usually plenty of watering, even as summer turns to fall. If you’re worried that you’re watering incorrectly, sprinkler and irrigation installation from Ace Plumbing could be in order.
Common Lawn Watering Errors
There are some common lawn watering mistakes we’ve all made at one time or another.
- Too much water. If you water too much, you can actually rot plants from the roots and kill the vegetation you’re trying to keep healthy.
- Not enough water. Obstructions, like retaining walls or other plants, can keep vegetation that needs water from getting it. Water too briefly and you may find that more water evaporates from the surface than is reaching the root system of your plants and grass.
- Water in the wrong places. This actually takes a couple of forms. A sprinkler that’s poorly placed could be watering something that doesn’t need it (like your SUV, your sidewalk, or your front door). And not all plants need the same amounts of water.
- Water Waste: A system that’s poorly installed or maintained, that isn’t watering correctly, or that’s watering the wrong plants at the wrong times wastes water. That’s one thing that neither the environment nor your water bill can afford.
Sprinklers vs Irrigation
Sprinklers and irrigation systems technically do the same thing — getting water from where it is to where it’s not — but they do it in very different ways. A sprinkler system waters the surface, and that water gradually makes its way to the root system. An irrigation system, on the other hand, waters closer to the root system. Each has its benefits, and it’s not uncommon for homes and other properties to have both types of systems.
Sprinkler and Irrigation Installation
When installed properly, sprinklers and irrigation systems don’t just beautify. They conserve water by getting it where it’s most needed so you’re using less of it. If they’re improperly installed, or if you’re just running a sprinkler off your garden hose, you could be doing more harm than help. You don’t need to water your sidewalk or driveway, for one thing. It’s also worth considering that not all plants need the same amounts of water, or need to be watered on the same schedule — your grass, your perennials, and your vegetable garden all have different needs, and shouldn’t all be watered alike.
Why Call a Plumber?
At first blush, you’d think this is an ideal job for a landscaper. Their job is to make your greenery grow and keep it healthy, after all, and if they’re experienced they’re also very good at that part of their job. But they’re not plumbers. Just the same as you don’t want your plumber advising you on shade plants or crop rotation, a landscaper isn’t typically the best person for an irrigation project. For that, call Ace Plumbing. We’re happy to work in tandem with your landscaper, but our first job is making sure your plumbing work is handled right. Call us at 916-455-4548 today for irrigation, drain and sewer repair, and a host of other outdoor plumbing needs.